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Q: How long does it take for paper mashae to dry?
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well you blow up two big balloons and paper mashae them. make sure you leave a hole at the top of them. once you've done that and the paper mashae is dry you can pop the balloons and put the lollies in the hole that you left at the top. once you've done that you paper mashae the holes and you can paint the ball shapes. then you can paper mashae two stalks that connest together at the top and if you want to add leaves you can.instead of painting it you might want to put coloured tissue paper on it instead. hope this helped :)

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If on poster paper, it's usually dry within an hour.

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never dries

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It can take 2- 3 1/2. Depends on how much glue you put on the paper mache and if you used the right glue.

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Paper mache can take up to days to dry, depending on the thickness of layers, how heavy each coat is, etc. it can take up to days for all of it to dry completely.

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Store it in a cool dry place.

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take a wipe and rub it against the phone very gently and then take a dry paper towel and dry your phone.

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It takes about 30 minutes to dry !

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just use the milk. write on the paper then let ir dry. When the ink is dry you take a lamp and if you shine light on the paper the ink will become visible