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alot... there is over 17 terawatts used in one year and one terawatt can light up 3 billion light bulbs so im guessing like 3-6 billion light bulbs a year

probably more though

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7 gadillion bazillion patrillion .2

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Q: How many light bulbs are used in the UK each year?
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The element used in light bulbs?

Argon(or nitrogen) and tungsten are used in incandescent light bulbs.

What are domestic light bulbs?

Domestic light bulbs are simply the light bulbs (usually of the filament type) used in the home.

What metal use the filaments in light bulbs?

Tungsten is used in filaments of light bulbs.

When did light bulbs start using watts?

Light bulbs have always used watts.

Can CFL light bulbs be used in recessed lighting?

Yes, CFL light bulbs can be used in recessed lighting.

What are the two most important uses of Argon?

Argon is used in light bulbs and many sources of light

Fluorescent Light Bulbs?

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How efficient are commercial light bulbs compared to industrial light bulbs?

Industrial light bulbs typically have larger wattage than commercial light bulbs. This is because commercial light bulbs are more commonly used in public as opposed to private homes.

Which element is used in light bulbs as the filament?

Generally, tungsten.

How many light bulbs would you burn out by using 88000 kilowatts?

If you used them simultaneously, probably around 1.46 million 60Watt bulbs.

Which gas is used in flash light?

Many regular flashlights use argon in the light bulbs. For camera flashes, many use xenon.

What are red light bulbs used for?

To make red light.