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That is a logical question. But it is not an easy one to answer. Most American's income information is confidential, meaning you can't know easily how much any one individual makes in a year. It is even harder to know their net worth; that is, their wealth.

It is also true that Americans vote confidentially; and how they vote is not something that is easily known. So, two tough issues in one question.

The only information typically available says that persons suspected to be worth more than a billion dollars contributes to one party or the other or to one 527 group or another. Information suggests that most billionaires live their lives in peace and do not engage in political contributions or overt activities. The few that do seem to break more or less evenly between the two parties.

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Q: How many millionaires are Democrats?
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How many democratic senators are millionaires?

In the United States Senate;37 Senate Democrats are millionaires and30 Senate Republicans are millionaires.Read more: How_many_millionaires_are_democrat_congressmen

How many millionaires are Democratic congressmen?

The New York Post recently did a study on this question and found that: 73 House Democrats are millionaires 101 House Republicans are millionaires 37 Senate Democrats are millionaires 30 Senate Republicans are millionaires This is based on overall wealth, not annual income. The wealth criteria comes from required financial reports that are generally done in ranges. ($10,000 - $50,000, for example) They don't always report exact figures. The total number above is 241, out of 435 House members and 100 Senate members. So 40% of the House are millionaires and 67% of the Senate are millionaires. And your question should be "How many millionaires are Democratic congressmen?" Democratic congressmen (and women) are members of the Democratic Party. You could also ask "How many democrats in congress are millionaires?" Members of the Democratic Party are called Democrats (with a capital "D") Members of the Republican Party are called Republicans (with a capital "R") You wouldn't say "How many millionaires are republic congressmen?"

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