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there are 5 oceans

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Q: How many ocens are on Earth?
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What are the four ocens?

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What are the ocens bording the US?

It is against the law to bord ocens in the US.

What are the Canadian ocens?


What ocens are by China?

Look in a map.

How do you affect oceans?

Humans polute the Ocens, by trash.

Where do jely fish live?

ocens or salt water

Is there any ocens that border Massachusetts?

YES The Atlantic Ocean

What do people use to travel over ocens?

Boats and planes.

What three ocens border Canada?

The Pacific, Atlantic, and Arctic oceans.

Which ocens are near to Bolivia?

The nearest ocean to Bolivia is the Pacific Ocean

Do sea turtles live in the ocens?

yes sea turtles live in the ocean

What ocens border Mexico?

Just the Pacific Ocean. Other bodies of water include the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, which depending on your point of view could be part of the Atlantic Ocean.