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An element's atomic number gives its number of protons. Lutetium's atomic number is 71. Thus, it has 71 protons.

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Q: How many protons do lutetium have?
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What is the coast for lutetium?

The coast for Lutetium is south

Is lutetium a solid liquid or gas?

lutetium is a solid

How is lutetium used?

Lutetium is used in PET scanners

States the natural form of the element lutetium?

Lutetium is found in the nature as a phosphate; lutetium is a scarce and expensive element.

What is one chemical property of lutetium?

Lutetium has the oxidation state +3.

How many valence electrons are in lutetium?

2 valence electrons

What is the price of lutetium?

Lutetium costs 42 USD for a 5 gram ingot.

What is the Bohr model for lutetium?

If you think to the electron configuration of lutetium this is: [Xe]4f14.5d1.6s2.

How many electrons does lutetium have?

To find electrons we must first find the atomic number of lutetium, which can be found below the lutetium symbol.Lutetium has an atomic number of 174.97. Round to 175.Atomic number is equal to amount of protons.And in a neutral atom amount of protons is equal to the amount electrons.Lutetium has 175 electrons.Thanks to Mr. Jernigan for teaching me in Chemistry!! Cerritos High represent!-Brian Reyes, Period 3, Medical Chemistry, 2011.

Is lutetium radioactive?

For most practical purposes, lutetium can be regarded as stable, though it is slightly radioactive. 97.41% of lutetium found in nature is stable, and 2.59% is of an isotope with a half life of 37,800,000,000 years. Like all other elements, lutetium has synthetic radioactive isotopes.

What group is Lutetium in on the periodic table?

Lutetium is classified under Group 3, an element under Lanthanides.

What is the atomic number of lutetium?

Lutetium, with the chemical symbol Lu, is the chemical element with the atomic number 71.