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That really depends on your health, for example an asmatic person would have a hugely varied heart beat count to someone in perfect health

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it will beat 36 million times a year

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Q: How many time does your heart beat in one year?
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How many times does your heart beat in a year?

At a heart rate of 60 to 80 BPM, your heart would beat 31 to 42 million times a year.

How many times will your heart beat this year?

31 to 42 million a year.

How many times does the average humans' heart beat in a year?


How many times does an 8 year old heart beat?


How many does a heart beat in a year?

Roughly 2207520000 times - assuming a heart rate of 70 beats per minute

What if your heart beats 120 times per minute how many times does it beat in a year?

If your heart is beating 120 times a minute when you're at rest, I suggest you see a Doctor. That said, at that rate your heart will beat over 63 million times in a year.

How many times does a heart beat during a seventy-year life span?

2 billion

How many times should a 7 year old heart beat in a minute?

A 7 year olds heart should beat about 110 times per minute. This can be considered normal, but around 80 beats per minute is fine, too.

What is the average heart beat for a 42 year old man?


How many times will your heart beat in a year if your heart beats 72 times per minute?

72*60=4320 4320*24=103680 103680*360=37324800 so 37324800 beats per year

When does heart begins to beat?

The heart pumps at a regular beat by the end of the second I've read in The Smart Mom's Guide to Pregnancy and Baby's First Year...

How manty times does your heart beat in a year?

Between 31,536,000 and 42,048,000 times