You need to buy a suspension lift kit or a body lift kit... a suspension kit is better and looks nicer
about 60 used to be 40 bucks, but now they raised it!
At tier 1, the protective kit provision costs 800 credits.This cost increases by 400 credits per tier.
I replaced my clutch for about 114.00 but i get a discount. list price is probably around 150 or 175 for oem clutch kit.
Average tattoo machines are generally between 7 and 10 oz.
for a truck its usaully about 600
around 1000 dollars for parts and then another 1-2 thousand for labor
good question depends on what kind of lift body or suspension and what is the lift going on
Yes; however, it will cost a lot.
you can get a rough country 4 inch lift for $499.00. any other brand under a grand is not worth buying.
You're looking at about 1500$ for the kit, plus labour to install. In total your probably looking at around 2200$ for the lift. That gets you lifted, then you need bigger tires! :P
You need to buy a suspension lift kit or a body lift kit... a suspension kit is better and looks nicer
A lift kit shouldn't affect gas mileage at all. It's just when you put big aggressive tread tires on that you would lose gas mileage.
Yes, but it would cost more than the car is worth.
It can cost as much as 1200 dollars or more to lift an SUV depending on the height and the type of lift. A body lift of 4 inches can cost 400 dollars or more when springs are also replaced.
You need to lift it @ inches with a basic lift kit! I have exactly what ur questioning... The lift kit cost me 100 bucks at auto zone! You just put them into the coil above your wheel, and screw the bolt and it will lift your coil 2 inches. Good luck.