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The chemicals in detergent are poison like.

You pour them in the soil and the roots absorb it.

The plant mistakes it as water and nutrients.

Then chemicals spread through it eventually killing it.

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Q: How will detergents kill plants?
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What do detergents have that kill plants?

Detergents have poison in them that kills the plant. When you pore that poisen in it it automatically kills the plant. That's how detergents kill the plant.

How will plants die from the detergents?

Plants Will Die From The Detergents By The Detergents Suffocating The Plants Then Leaving The Plants To Die.

What in liquid detergent kills plants?

we don't really know any thig yet but we are working

Can soap pollute the earth?

no A Different Answer Yes. Detergents in streams is already a problem. Soap can kill fish, amphibians and plants.

How will detergents help in the growth of plants?

Detergents that contain phosphates can, in the right quantities, promote the growth of plants such as algae.

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Why are fertiliser and detergents useful?

it is useful because fertilizers are to grow plants and detergents is to clean your clothes

Will detergent kill plants?

YesIf you google detergent plants, a gazillion hits are returned on the subject of the effects of detergents on plants. Numerous experiments have shown that detergents kill plants of all types. surely detergent will kill the plants.. the reason being is detergents have the foaming agent such as sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) or sodium lauryl sulphate which can cleave the protein molecules present in the cells converting them into peptides by breaking the chemical bondings.. how can a plant survive without protein?Forget that comment at the bottom, I erased it.

What ingredients are in detergent that change plants?

Phosphates were once common in laundry detergents and are a macronutrient for plants. More modern laundry detergents are not good sources for phosphates.

What plants roots are used as detergents?


What is the Bibliography of detergents affect plant growth?

It depends on what kinds of detergents you are using. If you have 100% natural organic detergent, it should have no effect on the plant growth. However, regular detergents have chemicals in them that would kill the nutrients in the soil. If you kill the soil, the plant would basically starve to death and die out.

Why is phosphate bad for dish detergents?

because detergents end up turning into dish water and draining into the ocean and that causes an algae bloom and that blocks out sun light for other plants and all the plants below the algae dies