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Some physical properties of non-metals are that they are brittle if solid, are not good conductors of either heat or electricity, and are not ductile. They also are without luster, soft, and have low tensile strength.

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15y ago

-Not soluable in water -High melting point -High boiling point -Conduct heat -Conduct electricity -Hard to bend or break thats it

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Q: Identify the physical properties of non metals?
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What are the physical properties of the non metals?

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What are physical properties of non metals?

Non metals do not conduct heat & electricity, good insulators, non mileable, high combustivity, low density and light in weight

What properties identify non metals?

A wide variety of elements fall under the classification of non metals and have different properties. In contrast to metals, though, they are worse conductors and are dull in their solid state. They also tend to have lower densities and lower boiling points than metals.

Do all nonmetals have some similar physical properties?

Non-metals are much more diverse than metals, however, they all have some similar physical properties. Non-metals are not good conductors of heat or electricity. Solids are usually brittle, non-ductile, not shiny, and at least partially transparent or translucent.

What properties identify nonmetals?

AcidicThe properties that identify the non metals are poor conductors, low densities and high ionization energies.

What has properties of metals and non metals?

The metalloids have properties of both metals and nonmetals.

What physical properties are shared by most non-metals?

They have high ionization energy and high electronegativity.

What is a physical property shared by all metalloids?

They are all solids. They have properties of metals and non metals.

What is classification for the elements that have properties of both metals and non metals?

Metalloids Metalloids have properties of both metals and non-metals.

What properties identify metals?

A wide variety of elements fall under the classification of non metals and have different properties. In contrast to metals, though, they are worse conductors and are dull in their solid state. They also tend to have lower densities and lower boiling points than metals.