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Q: In what famous cultural center was Leonardo DI Vince schooled?
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Leonardo Was Famous Before And After Death. Today, Leonardo Is Still Being Discovered By People Today.

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Leonardo is famous in Brazil, because his parents own one of the biggest companies there.

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Rosa Parks was home schooled.

What did Leonardo do that mad him famous?

Leonardo da Vinci made wonderful pieces of art that had made him famous during the Renaissance.

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Def Leonardo Di Caprio!!!!

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What was leonardo most famous for?


What was Leonardo's most famous work of art?

Leonardo da Vinci's most famous paintings were The Mona Lisa and The Last Supper.

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Leonardo da Vinci's most famous inventions are the tank,flying machine,and the machine gun

What is the famous painting with Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci in the middle?

There is no such famous painting. Raphael's School of Athens has Michelangelo in the middle, but no Leonardo.