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Technically garter snakes are venomous, but it is too mild to be a danger to humans.

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Q: Is a red and black checkered garter snake poisonous?
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How do you take care of a baby checkered garter snake?

You cant

Is a sanfrancisco garter snake Poisonous?

No snake is poisonous, though some are venomous. Garter snakes are technically very mildly venomous, but this venom is harmless to humans.

Is a red tongue brown snake poisonous?

No. There is not a set tongue color for poisonousand harmless snakes. A garter snake has both red and black on its tongue

How big do adult albino checkered garter snake grow?

5 feet mah ni99a

What kind of snake is black with green spots?

i think its a black and green snake.......

Who would win a blackmumba or a garter snake?

black mamba because the black mamba can use a toxic venom injected to the garter snake

What is a checkered garter snake?

it depends on how much time you spend with it how you feed it and how they act make some notes of your garter snake or any other snake to see what type of snake it is and according to your results you can come to your conclusion and see your snakes personality if that's not the answer you expected then is it's the color of the snake then look at it in google images or try to find a website about your snake.

What kind of black snake with yellow stripe lives in NJ ponds?

Garter snake

What is the biggest a garter snake?

a garter snake.

What do garter snake compete with?

The garter snake is close to the water snake

What kind of snake is a black snake with 3 bright yellowlines smooth?

You may be referring to a garter snake. See the image above.

What snake in North America is striped and poisonous?

garter snake - in Sunday Express crossword 2nd N ov o8