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Q: Is digitalis often used to treat congestive heart failure or certain types of arrhythmias?
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How did digitails help the patient with heart failure in casino Royale?

Digitalis ( Digitalis purpurea ) contains cardiac glycosides like digitoxin,digoxin,gitoxin,gitalin etc. These gycosides have a positive Ionotropic and Chronotropic effect on the heart ie they increase the force and rate of contraction of heart which is one of the reason it can be used in heart failure however its use is not recommended as digitalis causes adverse effects like arrhythmias, hyperkalemia etc.

What is the correct coding for congestive heart failure with hypertension?

Diagnosis: Congestive heart failure. What is the condition?

What is the condition known for when the heart is unable to pump enough blood to meet the body's needs?

Im not a doctor but that sounds a lot like a heart attack.

What conditions render a patient ineligible for enhanced external counterpulsation?

valve disease; uncontrolled arrhythmias (irregular heart rhythms); severe hypertension; uncontrolled congestive heart failure; significant blockages or blood clots in the leg

Who has myocardial resection?

Patients are not limited by age, race or sex when being evaluated for myocardial resection surgery. Patients who experience angina, congestive heart failure, arrhythmias, and pulmonary edema (fluid on the lungs) are candidates for this procedure.

What is the best treatment available for congestive heart failure?

A promising treatment for Congestive Heart Failure is EECP (Enhanced External Counter-Pulsation).

What is Digitalis made of?

Digitalis is made of digitalis purpurea (plant) which is very toxic

Does congestive heart failure run in families?

Not always but can be and it most likely runs in your genetics

When are digitalis drugs used?

used to treat heart problems such as congestive heart failure and irregular heartbeat. These medicines help make the heart stronger and more efficient. This, in turn, improves blood circulation and helps relieve the swelling of the hands and ankles

Do people with alcoholism die of congestive heart failure?

Chronic alcoholism can lead to dilated cardiomyopathy which consequently can result in congestive heart failure.

Which heart failure drug Causes GIT side effect?


What is insufficiency of the heart?

Congestive Heart failure.