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Q: Is it true or false that the Robinson projection shows land and water areas without distorting them?
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Does the mercator projection more accurately show the size shape or the location of the continents on a map?

Mercator projection is used on ships. It shows the correct shapes of continents but the areas are distorted. The longitude lines are parallel which makes the areas at the poles seem larger than they actually are. Hope this helps.

Is a conic projection is especially useful when mapping areas at the bottom or top of the globe?

Lambert Conic Conformal projection was created in the 18th century By Johann Lambert .This is just one of severl created.These are commonly used throughout the untied states along with other countrys.They are very usefull in creating maps.

What are the main features of the mercator projection?

Mercator:Mercator projection works very poorly in polar regions and becomes undefined at the north and south poles. Historically Mercator is interesting because it is one of the oldest map projections to be used. Christopher Columbus used the Mercator projection in his travels to the new world. This projection is often used in navigation because any straight line is a rhumb line (a line of constant direction). Parallels of latitude and longitude are straight. Features increase in size as the map approaches the poles. Areas and shapes of large areas are distorted. Distortion increases away from the equator and is extreme in polar regions. However, being a conformal projection, angles and shapes within any small area are essentially true.

What are the four types of map projections?

Mercator Projection : longitude and latitude as straight, parallel lines Conic Projection : a circular map made from a flattened cone, centered on a pole or other point Gall-Peters Projection : relocates standard parallels, narrows longitudinal spacing Robinson Projection : approximates a true spherical view of the Earth, except the poles Winkel Tripel Projection : an azimuth approximation of the world view, similar to Robinson The most widely used is the Mercator projection, the major disadvantage being its area expansions (areas closer to the poles appear larger and lack their true shapes). The Gall-Peters Projection provides a closer approximation of the relative areas. All flat representations of a spherical surface will create variances in "true" size or shape. (see image links)

Why was the Mercator Map created?

The Mercator map was created in 1569 by Gerardus Mercator. The projection's creator wanted to create a map that would be helpful in navigating the world's seas. The map is set up on a useful grid. However, the map is clearly distorted! At the north and south ends of the map, Antarctica and Greenland are just two examples of landforms that appear far bigger than they should. Areas and distances are not portrayed accurately on this map

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Is it true or false that Robinson projection shows the size of the continents accuratly but the water areas are expanded to fill the extra space?


Is it true or false that the Robinson projection shows the size of the continents accurately and the water areas are expanded to fill the extra space?


What map have projection has fairly accurate shapes in the center but increasing distorting toward the edges?

All two dimensional (flat) maps (called projections) of the surface of the Earth have distortion. Several projections are used to create such maps and each is better for some uses and not others. There is no most distorted projection. It depends on the intended use for the map.

What are different types of map projections?

Mercator Projection : longitude and latitude as straight, parallel lines Conic Projection : a circular map made from a flattened cone, centered on a pole or other point Gall-Peters Projection : relocates standard parallels, narrows longitudinal spacing Robinson Projection : approximates a true spherical view of the Earth, except the poles Winkel Tripel Projection : an azimuth approximation of the world view, similar to Robinson The most widely used is the Mercator projection, the major disadvantage being its area expansions (areas closer to the poles appear larger and lack their true shapes). The Gall-Peters Projection provides a closer approximation of the relative areas. All flat representations of a spherical surface will create variances in "true" size or shape. (see image links)

What is the best projection map?

Robinson Map ProjectionAnswer #2Every flat map misrepresents the surface of the Earth in some way so can be no one best map projection. Depends on what characteristics are desired. There are many projections each with their own distinct characteristics such as having equal areas, equidistant, and true direction.Mercator, for example, is best used in areas around the Equator and for marine navigation. Robinson projection has both the lines of altitude and longitude evenly spaced across the map which creates a more pleasing appearance at the cost of distortions.

What is the map projection?

Robinson Map ProjectionAnswer #2Every flat map misrepresents the surface of the Earth in some way so can be no one best map projection. Depends on what characteristics are desired. There are many projections each with their own distinct characteristics such as having equal areas, equidistant, and true direction.Mercator, for example, is best used in areas around the Equator and for marine navigation. Robinson projection has both the lines of altitude and longitude evenly spaced across the map which creates a more pleasing appearance at the cost of distortions.

What different types of map projection?

Mercator Projection : longitude and latitude as straight, parallel lines Conic Projection : a circular map made from a flattened cone, centered on a pole or other point Gall-Peters Projection : relocates standard parallels, narrows longitudinal spacing Robinson Projection : approximates a true spherical view of the Earth, except the poles Winkel Tripel Projection : an azimuth approximation of the world view, similar to Robinson The most widely used is the Mercator projection, the major disadvantage being its area expansions (areas closer to the poles appear larger and lack their true shapes). The Gall-Peters Projection provides a closer approximation of the relative areas. All flat representations of a spherical surface will create variances in "true" size or shape. (see image links)

Why does a mercator projection exaggerate the areas of landmasses near the poles?

The Mercator projection exaggerates areas far from the equator because it is not suited to general reference world maps due to its distortion of land area. The Mercator projection is still commonly used for areas near the equator.

If the continents were drawn using a Mercator projection are the chances improved of finding a fit?

It's the location. 'A projection is a system for mapping the round Earth on a flat surface. The Mercator projection map shows the accurate locations of the continents and oceans. The land and water areas, however, are greatly distorted toward the North and South Poles.'

What is a disadvantage of the Mercator projection?

it distorts areas near the poles.

Winkle triple projection?

The Winkle Triple projection provides a good balance between the size and shape of land areas on the map.

Areas where projection touchs more than one point?
