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Q: Is streamlined a word used to describe shapes that cut through the air easily?
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What are stearmlined shapes and how do they help in facing air and water resistance?

Streamlined shapes are shapes that almost similar to a chicken egg and they have a blunt end that faces forward. They help in facing air and water resistance since they can break through air and water easily as a result of the blunt end.

Why do jet planes have streamlined shapes?

All aircraft, not just jets, have shapes as streamlined as possible to enable them to fly faster and use less fuel.

Why do cruise liners have streamlined shapes?

himedra smells

Why do aeroplanes and ships are given streamlined shape?

Streamlined shapes make them faster and more fuel-efficient.

What are the five examples of streamlined shapes in day to day life?

Examples of the streamlined shapes in day to day life include airplanes, cars, boats, ships, cycling hats and swimming costumes.

What animals have streamlined body shapes?

Fish, birds and snakes are a few

What word do you use for shapes that move through water and air easily?


Why do airplanes are bullet shaped?

Smooth, streamlined shapes reduce air resistance. Symmetric shapes ensure flight stability.

What animal has streamlined shapes that reduce air resistance as it moves?

ghxshgdhg ehidhkhd

How does the bodyshape of an airplane help it in flying?

Streamlined shapes help aerodynamics and speed .

How can friction on a water slide be reduced?

When objects move through fluids, they have to overcome the friction acting on them, due to which they lose energy. So, efforts are made to minimize the friction. For this, the objects are given special shapes. As we know, birds and fishes have to move about in fluids all the time. Their bodies must have evolved to shapes which would make them lose less energy in overcoming friction. Such shapes are called streamlined shapes. This is the reason ships and aeroplanes are given a streamlined shapes so that minimum energy is lost while moving through water and air respectively.

Give reason : rockets ,trains ,modern cars and aircraft have streamlined shapes?
