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No, it does not exist anymore.

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Q: Is the Nazi party still strong?
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Are there still nazi party?

Yes, but they do not usually go by that name anymore.

Are there any Nazi war criminals still out there?

Many high-ranking Nazi war criminals were captured, tried, and punished after World War II. However, some lower-level war criminals may still be living today, but they would be very old. Efforts to bring them to justice continue.

Which country has the largest Nazi Party today?

Largest nazi party?? Nazi party was Adolf Hitler's Political party in GERMANY! Please see what you're asking, probably you're trying to ask that "when Nazi party became the largest party in Germany?" The answer is in 1932 elections, nazi became the largest party in Germany, although they did not gained majority. NO STUPID HE IS NOT ASKING "WHEN NAZI PARTY BECAME LARGEST PARTY IN GERMANY?" HE IS ASKING "WHICH COUNTRY HAS THE LARGEST NAZI PARTY TODAY?" For your information, there is still a nazi party today, and it is all over the world. There are many anti-nazi organazations in the U.S. Infact there was a holocoust museum opening in Chicago, and there were many pro-nazi rioters with nazi flags and chants protesting against the opening of the museum. (sry i don't know which country has the largest nazi party today :(.....)

Was the Nazi party left wing?

no they were and still are right wing

What roles did Hitler have in the Nazi Party?

Hitler was the leader of the Nazi Party from 1921-1945.

How was Hitler involved with the Nazi party?

He was the leader of the Nazi party.

When was Nazi Party created?

Nazi Party was created in 1920.

What happend to the Nazi party after World War 2?

It is still around and very active.

Why is it that every German was not a Nazi?

Nazis were members of a political party. It is true that after the Nazis were elected into government, other parties ceased to exist, more people joined the Nazi party, but still not everyone.

Is a current Nazi party in Australia?

yes the australian nazi party

What roles did Hitler play in the Nazi party?

He was the leader of the Nazi party.

How did Hitler create the Nazi party?

Hitler was not the founder of the Nazi Party.