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No. The mass of a neutron is far, far, far greater than the mass of an electron. In fact, the mass of a neutron is approximately about 1840 times greater than the mass of an electron.

The particle that has exactly the same mass as an electron is its antiparticle, the positron.

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11y ago
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11y ago

The mass of a Proton is certainly not half the mass of an Electron. A Proton's mass is a lot more than an Electrons. A Protons mass is around 908 MeV/c2, whilst an Electrons mass is 0.511 MeV/c2.

This should answer the Question.

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9y ago

The theoretical rest mass on an electron is about 1/1800th of the rest mass of a proton. This corresponds to about 0.51 million electron volts, or about 9.1x10^-28 grams.

The rest mass is theoretical, because there is no such thing as a stationary electron, so the rest mass must be inferred from measurements taken on moving electrons.

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9y ago

The Atomic Mass is the sum of protons and neutrons masses which are preponderant; the contribution of electrons is minimal but not zero.

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11y ago

The mass of a neutron is close to the sum of the mass of a proton plus an electron, but as an electron is only about 1/1800 the mass of a proton this was tricky to measure.

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