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Q: Is the phrase between the chair and the wall an adjective phrase or an adverb phrase?
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Is rapidly an adjective or an adverb?

rapidly is an adverb. adjectives are words that describe a noun. You can't say, like, the chair is very rapidly. Adverbs are words that describe verbs. You can say, he ran rapidly across the room.

Can you give at least 5 example of opposite adjective in a sentence?

There is another chair opposite the woman.

What type of noun is the word a?

The word 'a' is not a noun. The word 'a' is an indefinite article.The words 'a', 'an', and 'the' are called articles, words used before singular nouns that indicate the noun that follows is any one or a specific one.The indefinite articles are used to indicate that a noun is any one.The indefinite article 'a' is used before a singular noun that begins with a consonant sound.Examples: a boy, a chair, a mountainThe indefinite article 'an' is used before a singular noun that begins with a vowel sound.Examples: an astronaut, an elephant, an orangeWhen the noun is preceded by an adjective or an adjective adverb combination, the sound of the adjective or adverb is used to determine the indefinite article.Examples: an older boy, a brave astronaut, a huge elephant, a fresh orangeThe word 'the' is called a definite article. It is placed before a noun to indicate the noun is a specific one.Examples: That's the school I attended. I know the address. I know the neighborhood.

What is the proper definition for burly?

The word 'burly' is an adjective, a word that describes a noun as strongly and heavily built. Example:A burly man needs a burly chair for comfort.

How much space should I allow for a chair between a table and a wall?

Four feet or more should be allowed if you would like someone to be able to pass by behind the chair.

Related questions

What is the prepositional phrase in the sentence the ball rolled between the chair and the sofa?

between the chair and the sofa

Is heavily a collective noun?

No, the word 'heavily' is an adverb, a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.Example: He sank heavily into a chair after his ordeal.

Is rapidly an adjective or an adverb?

rapidly is an adverb. adjectives are words that describe a noun. You can't say, like, the chair is very rapidly. Adverbs are words that describe verbs. You can say, he ran rapidly across the room.

Is beef an adjective?

no, beef is a noun. the function of an adjective is to describe the noun. for example: BLUE chair (blue is adjective and chair is an noun.)

Is chair an adverb?

No, the word chair is not an adverb.The word chair is in fact a noun. It can also sometimes be used as a verb.

What is the English translation of the French phrase 'dans ma chair'?

"In my flesh" is an English equivalent of the French phrase dans ma chair.Specifically, the preposition dans is "in" in this context. The feminine possessive adjective ma means "my". The feminine noun chair translates as "flesh".The pronunciation will be "daw ma sher" in French.

Is Jack an adjective?

Only by using the possessive form, which is Jack's.

Is a red chair a noun in a sentence?

The chair is a noun, whilst red is an adjective.

Why is an adjective used?

Well, first off, your grammar is wrong. It's an adjective, not a adjective. And second, it's used to describe a noun. Like blue chair (blue being the adjective, and chair being the noun)

What is the synonym of quietly in adverb manner?

i silently sat in my chair

What is the prepositional phrase your baby sister sits in her high chair giggles and throws her food overboard?

"In her high chair" is the prepositional phrase in the sentence.

What is a sentence that has on as an adverb?

On does not have an adverb. It instead is a preposition. A preposition is a word kinda like a verb but where the object is held.E.g The chair is on the rug.