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Q: Leonardo da Vinci used drawings to explore ideas in?
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What do Leonardo da Vinci's drawings tell us?

Renaissance ideas included arts and science

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Did Leonardo da Vinci get paid for his drawings?

No he did not. The sketches and drawings he made in his many sketch books were for his reference and to experiment with ideas. An artist in his day was only paid when a wealthy Patron asked for a specific piece of art to be made.

What was Leonardo da Vinci's ideas for the human circulation?


Where did Leonardo da Vinci keep all his ideas?

In his notebooks

Where did da Vinci get his ideas?

leonardo got his ideas by exploring and going outside and sketching

What were Leonardo da Vinci ideas?

Leonardo had many Ideas. He had many ideas involving flying instrument's, Math, and the human body.

Were Leonardo da Vinci's ideas accepted immediately by others?

New ideas are never readily accepted.

How did Leonardo di Vinci change the world with his ideas?

Because he was such an amazingly talented man

How did the water lift affect the society Leonardo da Vinci lived in?

Like most of Leonardo's original ideas it was never built.

Did Leonardo da vinci build any of his inventions?

no but he did however create many sketches and ideas.

What did Leonardo da Vinci make for the military?

Quite a few ideas, but everything remained in his sketchbooks.