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linear perspective

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Q: Look at this painting by duccio... the painting is an early attempt at:?
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Look at this ancient Roman painting of a scene from the Odyssey. What does this painting demonstrate?

An early attempt at perspective (apex)

Look at this painting by Duccio this painting represent a change in European art because it?

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During the Renaissance Florentine painters (and critics) were of the opinion that the beautiful line was the essential basis for good art. In Venice they meant that color was the starting point of good art.

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No, he did not. Look at a Modigliani painting! Look at a Monet painting! You can see they are not similar.

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No. The point of cubism was to attempt to show every angle of the subject mater at the same time.

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You don't. Use the key to open her house in the Countryside. Look at the painting on the second floor.

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Its a painting anybody can tell look at the ears of the cover

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