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the correct answer is till. this sediment, deposited directly from glacier ice is till.

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9y ago

The mixture of sediments deposited by a glacier are known as till.

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Q: Mixture of sediments deposited by a glacier?
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The mixture of sediments deposited directly by a glacier is called?

Sediments directly deposited by the glacier are called till.

What are the sediments called that are deposited directly by a glacier?

Sediments directly deposited by the glacier are called till.

What is the term for all sediments of glacier origin called?

The term for all sediments of glacier origin is "glacial till." It consists of a mixture of rock fragments of various sizes that are deposited directly by the ice as it moves and melts.

How are glacier sediments deposited directly by glacial ice compared with those deposited by glacial meltwater?


What is the general term for all sediments deposited by a glacier?

Glacial deposits, often referred to as glacial drift, are the general term for all sediments deposited by a glacier. This can include material like till, moraine, and glacial erratics left behind as the glacier moves and melts.

What are out-wash plains formed as of a result of deposition?

Outwash plains are formed by the deposition of sediments carried by meltwater streams from glaciers. As the glacier retreats, the sediments are deposited in a broad, flat area in front of the glacier. These sediments are typically sorted by size, with larger particles deposited closer to the glacier and smaller particles carried further away.

What is the material called that is deposited by meltwater beyond the end of a glacier?

The material deposited by meltwater beyond the end of a glacier is called glacial outwash or outwash plain. It consists of sediments such as sand, gravel, and boulders that have been carried by the flowing meltwater and deposited as the glacier retreats.

What is the difference between a till and a moraine?

A till is an unsorted mixture of sediment deposited by a glacier, while a moraine is a landform made up of till deposited at the edge or beneath a glacier. Tills are deposited directly by the moving glacier, while moraines are created from the accumulation of till as the glacier advances, retreats, or melts.

How does a till form?

Formed when a mixture of sediments that a glacier deposits directly on the surface

How does till form?

Formed when a mixture of sediments that a glacier deposits directly on the surface

What is the material called that is deposited by melt-water beyond the end of a glacier?

The material deposited by meltwater beyond the end of a glacier is called moraine. This sediment consists of a mixture of rocks, gravel, sand, and silt that was transported and deposited by the glacier as it melted.

How are till and outwash different?

Till is a mixture of sediment and rocks that is deposited directly by a glacier, while outwash is material deposited by meltwater streams flowing away from a glacier. Till tends to be unsorted and unstratified, while outwash is usually sorted and layered by the flowing water.