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I think it's called Corpus Luteum

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Q: Name for a ruptured follicle
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Follicle is not ruptured but periods are regular can you get pregnant?

One can always GET pregnant. You are probably not currently pregnant if you have regular periods.

What is corpus luteam?

the corpus lutem is the remnant of the ruptured follicle. It lives for 14 days and secretes hormones needed to maintain a pregnancy

The ruptured follicle left in the ovary after ovulation develops into a... A. cervix B. corpus luteum. C. zygote. D. chorion?

corpus luteum

What events occur during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle?

Development of the corpus luteum The corpus luteum develops from the ruptured follicle during the luteal phase after ovulation.

What is Another name for the root of your hair?

The root of your hair is also known as the hair follicle.

What is corpusluteum stage?

It develops from the ruptured follicle in the ovary.Within 10 days,the corpus luteum secrets the hormones estrogen and progesterone,which are essential for the final preparation of the uterus for the implantation of the fertilized egg.

Can ripe follicles in a woman be tracked by sonar?

Yes. You can do daily ultrasound examination from the tenth day of your cycle. You can visualize the follicle in one of the ovaries. It may get to the size of 22 to 24 mm and next day it is not visualized. That means the follicle has ruptured to release the ovum. You can get pregnancy by having contact on the day of ovulation.

Name a structure which the follicle becomes?

Corpus Luteum

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