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Sounds like you may have carpel tunnel syndrome. This can be the result of inflammation in in the carpel tunnel, this is the area in the hand just below the wrist. Nerves pass through this area and if inflammation or anything else puts pressure on these nerves it leads to tingling, numbness and at times excruciating pain in the hands. This condition needs treatment as it can lead to irreparable damage to both the nerves leading to the hand as well as the muscles that operate the fingers. Carpel tunnel syndrome effect the middle of the hand the thumb the two fingers next to it and half of the next finger (The thumb side) lengthwise.

Tingling on the pinkie side of the hand ( that is the pinkie and half of the ring finger lengthwise on the pinkie side) , can be caused by ulnar nerve compression and should also be seen to for the same reasons as this may lead to irreversible muscular and nerve damage.

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Q: Pins and needles in right hand night and day?
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How do you have pins and needles in your right hand?


What causes pins and needles in middle finger on right hand?

A variety of possibilities: see a doctor!

No grip and pins and needles in hand?

i have nogrip in both hands and pins a niddles in thumb and first 3 fingers

Why do tips of left hand fingers feel like there going to explode?

cause it'S called pins and needles

What problem would make the neck hurt when moving the head from side to side also with the left hand feeling pins and needles?

the pins and needles thing is that your hand has fallen asleep.the neck im not sure maybe it needs to be stretched. well this is good info my name is Tia.your welcome!:)

Im 19 weeks 2 days pregnant and get pins and needles in your Left arm and hand Is this normal?

It's common. It's caused by odema (swelling, water retention) that put pressure on the nerves that go through the arm and hand. That is what causes pins, needles and pain. See your doctor and get a splint to wear.

How do you cure tennis elbow and tingling with pins and needles in my arm and hand?

Normally, resting the effected arm and using pain killers.

What does the idiom on pins and needle mean?

Think about actually being on pins and needles -- ouch!It means feeling sharp anticipation or anxiety; in a state of suspense.Someone who is "on pins and needles" is very anxious and nervous. This not necessarily a negative emotion although the phrase is sometimes used in that way, it is usually used to describe someone who is in great anticipation of some event that have been looking forward to.In British slang the phrase "pins and needles" may also refer to the odd tingly sensation you feel when a body part has "fallen asleep.""On pins and needles" means to be very worried/nervous/anxious about something.If you say "ON pins and needles" it means you are waiting anxiously for something, that you are so eager that you are fidgeting as if you were sitting on something sharp.If you say you have a "pins and needles" feeling in your body, it means that circulation has been temporarily cut off to that part, and when it starts back up, you feel a prickling sensation. You might also hear this phrased as "My foot is asleep" or "My hand fell asleep."If someone is on pins and needles they are very nervous about a situation."I was on pins and needles until I got the results on my test."It means one is virtually tingling with anticipation about something.The idiom "on pins and needles" means anxiously awaiting something.

What is causes constant pins and needles in both hands?

pins and needles are caused by restricting the blood flow to a certain area. Pins and needles take place as the blood flow is restored and the nerves send messages to the brain and spinal cord. The constant sense of pin and needles in either hand can be the early signs of carpal tunnel syndrome.

What is the purpose of a pincushion?

A pincushion is a small, cloth covered, padded ball or cushion shape, into which pins and needles are stuck. Not only does this prevent the pins and needle from being lost, or accidentally sticking into a person, it was often decorated with embroidery and beads as a decoration, and fastened to the sewing basket.

Why are you getting pins and needles on your tongue?

Well pins and needles are caused from the lack of blood travelling to and from the body. for example if you put an elastic band around your wrist, eventually you will get pins and needle, because the blood doesnt travel to your hand due to the elastic blocking the veins. Pherhaps you get pins and needles on your tongue, because blood doesnt travel properly to it.

What could be the problem if you woke up with pins and needles in your middle and index fingers on your right hand - and both fingers were quite hot?

poor circulatioin, get your blood taken to see if you are a diabetic, i suffer with this alot, I'm a diabetic, don't wait!