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Q: Suspensions can be wetted before adding water by using a wetting agent or a?
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What is the difference between a wetting and non-wetting fluid?

A wetting fluid is capable of maintaining surface contact with a solid and its contact angles are less than 90 degrees (the angle starts from the wetted surface to the surface of the fluid). However non-wetting fluids are not willing to keep the contact area as large as wetting fluids and their contact angles are higher than 90 degrees. Imagine a droplet of mercury. As a non-wetting fluid, mercury remains still on a solid surface like a ball. It does not spread on the solid surface like water.

Why is the froth flotation method selected for the concentration of sulphide ores?

This method is based on the principle of the difference in the wetting properties of the ore and the gangue particles with the water and oil. This method is used for that metals whose ore gets preferably wetted by the oil and the gangue by the water. The sulphide ores preferably wetted by the oil and the gangue with the water. Hence this method is suitable for the concentration of the sulphide ore

Is the word wet a noun?

Yes, the word wet is a noun; it is also a verb (wet, wets, wetting, wetted) and an adjective (wet, wetter, wettest). Example uses: Noun: You mix the wet and the dry separately before combining them. Verb: You wet the drape when you watered that plant. Adjective: Don't sit there, that's wet paint.

Why does the rivers wetted perimeter increase as we travele downstream?

Because the Width and Depth both increase downstream. This means the wetted perimeter will also increase.

How does bed load influence the wetted perimeter of a river?

The greater the wetted perimeter, the more friction the water encounters with the bed and sides. This reduces the speed of the river.

Is acetate absorbent?

Cellulose acetate is easily wetted.

What is a wetted material?

hydrophilic materials hydrophilic materials

Why do beads of water often form on a slippery surface such as a freshly waxed car?

A waxed car is not hydrophilic, it is not wetted with water. A drop of water falling on such a surface does not speak out wetting the surface. Instead the surface tension of the water drop pulls it into a spherical shape that sits on top of the surface until it either slides off or evaporates.

What is a wetted width?

Wetted width is a term used in fluvial geomorphology. It is the width of a stream at the time of the field measurements indicating the width of the current flow and is generally below bankful width.

Why bricks are soaked in water before use?

Bricks should be dry before use. The wall gains strength when the mortar penetrates the pores in brick and block construction. This is the reason that blocks in an engineered block wall cannot be reused once installed.

What is hydraulic mean radius?

Hydraulic Mean Radius = Cross sectional area of conduit divided by the inside (wetted) perimeter.

Why does water bead up on a waxed car but gasoline spreads out?

A waxed car is not hydrophilic, it is not wetted with water. A drop of water falling on such a surface does not speak out wetting the surface. Instead the surface tension of the water drop pulls it into a spherical shape that sits on top of the surface until it either slides off or evaporates.