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Q: The Earth's mantle lies between the Earth's crust and?
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Related questions

Where you the earths mantle located?

The mantle lies between the crust and the outer core of Earth's interior, and is not within the crust.

Name the thick layer of earths interior that lies between the crust and the core?

The mantle

What is the thick layer of earths interior that lies between the crust and the core?

the mantle, which contains the lithosphere, asthenosphere and the mesosphere

What are the zone between core and crust?

The chemical layer of the Earth known as the mantle lies between the crust and the core.

What lies below Earths Lower Mantle?

From the outside into the Earth. It goes Crust, Upper Mantle, Mantle, Outer Core, and Inner Core

What two layers the mantle lies between?

it lies in between the crust and the outer core

What is the layer of the earth that lies above the mantle?

The Earth's crust lies above the mantle.

Is earths mantle 3000 kilometers thick?

The mantle is one of the three main layers of the Earth. It lies between the core and the crust. The mantle consists of hot, dense, semisolid rock and is about 3000 kilometers thick.

What is the rock of mantle?

plate tectonic and magma

Why does Earth's crust sit on top of the mantle?

The crust lies on top of the mantle because it is composed of less dense materials than the mantle is. The crust is essentially floating on the mantle.

What is middle layer of earth called?

Between the thin rocky crust and inner core, in order from upper to lower, are the upper mantle, mantle, and outer core.

What is the layer in Earth's mantle between the lithosphere and upper mantle?
