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Depths. The Mariana Trench is the deepest trench ,Its depth has been measured at 36,201 feet (11,034 meters)

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Where is the lowest point on earth found?

marianna trench in ocean

How do you use subduction in a sentence?

The Marianna Trench is great example of subduction.

How deep can a submarine go into the Marianna Trench?

in excess of 400 feet

When large segments of the Earth's crust are deformed along convergent plate boundaries it is called?

It is often called a Trench, such as the Marianna's Trench.

Is Marianna's trench popular in the US?

They are starting to become quite popular , so yes .

Why does Marianna's trench use the same actress in there music videos?

to make it sound better

What is the mariana trench best known for?

Depth of character.

Is miss Jessica king married?

No, she is not, but apparently dating some guy from the band Marianna's Trench. :)

What is the deepest known portion of the ocean floor called?

Challenger deep.

Where is the deepest ocean trench on earth?

The Mariana Trench is the deepest trench in Earth's oceans.

What is the lowest place on Earth land or water?

Marianna's trench, it is on a plate boundary line. we have explored it but never reached the bottom.

What is the average depth of a marine biome?

14,000 feet deep although marianna trench is the deepest at an astonishing 36,200 ft.