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Q: The artery in the upper arm is known as the what artery?
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Which pressure point artery is related to the arm?

To stop severe bleeding of the arm, press on the brachial artery, which is located on the inside of the upper arm.

Where is the brachial artery?

The brachial pulse can be palpated on the inside of the upper arm between the elbow and the shoulder

To stop severe bleeding of the arm which pressure point do you use?

To stop bleeding of the arm press on the brachial artery.

How do you fid brachial pulse?

compress the brachial artery in the upper arm.

What is the major artery of the left arm?

This comes from my A&P lab manual... "In the armpit, the subclavian artery becomes the axillary artery, which serves the upper limb." The previous answer was "brachial," which could also be a correct answer. "The brachial artery divides into the radial and ulnar arteries, which follow the same-named bones to supply the forearm and hand."

Where to find babies pulses?

The brachial artery, in the upper arm, is used for an infant.

Which pressure pont to the arms to stop bleeding?

the brachial artery in your upper arm

What artery in the arm is used to take blood pressure?

the artery in the axilla i.e:the axillary artery when crosses the teres major muscle enters the arm and becomes the brachial artery(brachum means arm). then in the cubital fossa (across the elbow joint) it divides into ulnar and radial artery which run in the fore arm.

Blood from the left subclavian artery flows into what vessels as it moves toward the left arm?

head and upper extremities

How do I stop severe bleeding in the upper arm?

Hold it above heart level and apply pressure.

Is the brachial artery located in arm just?

The Brachial artery provides passage for oxygen rich blood supply to the arm. It is located in the upper arm on the inside between the bicep & tricep muscles againsed the humorous bone. This is the prefered place to check for an infavts pulse.

Do I have a main artery in your right arm?

My son has a burst artery. In his arm what will happen