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Q: The dirtying of the earth's air land and water is called?
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Is earths land bigger than Earths water?

No. As a approximation there is two thirds water to one third land.

How are Earths land water and air related?


Is there more land or water on earths surface?

Roughly 71% of Earth is covered by water and because that is well over half there is more water than land on Earths surface

What is all the earths land called?

Continents and Islands

What was earths land mass called when it was one single land mass?


How much of earths is covered by water?

Roughly 75% of Earths Surface is covered by water. (including the Oceans, lakes and land Ice).

Is the Earth one half land land or not?

the earths surface is 80% water. so no.

What does the earth have more of than land?

The Earth has more water than land. Around 70% of the Earths surface is water and 30% is land.

When land masses on earths crust are moving what is it called?


What is bigger water or land?

Oceans make up 70% of the earths surface while land makes up only 30%. There is more water than land.

Does the ocean cover less area than the land?

no water covers 71% of the earths surface and land 29%

About 80 percent of earths volume is made up of?

30% land/mountains, 70% water.