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Q: The group of elements that contains only alkaline earth metals is A 2 B 15 C 17 D 18?
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Elements in group 2 are called?

Group 2 elements in the periodic table are the alkaline earth metals.

What is group 2A elements known as?

Alkaline Earth Metals

What is the chemical family of elements that contains the second group of or most reactive metals?

These metals are called alkaline earth metals.

What the name of group 2 on the periodic table?

The elements present in it are called alkaline earth metals. It contains beryllium, magnesium ....

What is the group of alkaline earth metals?

Group 2 contains the alkaline earth metals

Elements of group of 2 are called?

The elements of the second group are called the Alkaline Earth metals.

Are group 3A elements known as alkaline earth metals?

No,but group 2 are alkaline earth elements

Which is an alkaline earth metal?

Alkaline Earth Metals are found in group 2A of the periodic table of elements. Therefore, metals like Magnesium, Calcium, Strontium and Barium are all Alkaline Earth Metals.


Metals are on the left side in periodic table. They are mainly present in group-1,2,13. Group-1 is alkali metals and group-2 is alkaline earth metals.Group 1 contains alkaline metals. Group 2 contains alkaline earth metals. And d block also contains metals.

Are Group 3A elements the alkaline earth metals?

Group 2A elements are commonly known as the alkaline earth metals, while groups 1A is called the alkali metals.

What are the elements in group 2a called?

Alkaline Earth Metals

What are alkaline metal an alkaline earth metal and a transition metal?

Beryllium magnesium strantium calcium barium radium