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The unsaturated zone is also known as Zone of Aeration.

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Q: The unsaturated zone above the water table is also known as?
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Related questions

Is a water table a boundary between unsaturated bedrock below and saturated bedrock above?

It's the opposite! The water table is the boundary between saturated rock below and unsaturated rock above.

What is the layer of rocks and soil above the water table that are usually not filled with water called?

It is called an unsaturated layer.

What is the boundary between the unsaturated zone and the saturated zone?

This is known as the phreatic surface or water table.

What force pushes groundwater from pore to pore below the water table?

Pressure gradient or hydraulic gradient is the force that pushes groundwater from pore to pore below the water table. A boundary between saturated rock below and unsaturated rock above is the water table.

Is the ground dry above water table?

Yes it is above the water table.

Where can people obtain groundwater by drilling a well A below the water table B above the water table C beside a water table?

above the water table

What is a place where underground water comes to the surface?

water table

The water table is found at the boundary between?

The boundary is between the unsaturated zone and the zone of saturation.

What is a pocket of water that sits above the water table?

An aquifer.

Where are the water tables located?

Water tables are the underground boundary between the water saturated rock and soil layer and the unsaturated or dry rock and soil layer. Where a water table intersects the surface a lake, pond, river, stream, spring, etc. forms on the surface at the same level as the water table. A well is made by digging a hole down to below the water table at that location and the bottom of that hole will fill with water to the same level as the water table.

What is the top of the saturated zone is known as the?

The water table or phreatic surface.

True or false the water table is mostly underground?

True. If the water table is above ground, we call it a "lake", rather than referring to the "water table".