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um... yeah, you forgot to write what you're question actually is regarding that sentence by the way. And I already know it. The rest of your question is: " 'in' is this a conjunction, preposition, pronoun or verb". tsk tsk. not doing your penn foster work by yourself eh? Oh well. carry on.

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12y ago

Yes, even The Bible written at least two thousand years ago mentions fishing with nets.

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Q: Thousands of years ago, fish were caught in nets and traps?
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What are the nouns in the sentence Thousands of years ago fish were caught in nets and traps?

The nouns are: thousands, years, fish, nets, traps.

Where is the verb in this sentence Thousands of years ago fish were caught in nets and traps?

"were caught" is the verb.

How would you Parse or Identify the Parts of Speech in the sentence Thousands of years ago fish were caught in nets and traps?

Thousands - noun of - preposition years - noun ago - adverb fish - noun were - verb (auxiliary) caught - verb (past participle) in - preposition nets - noun and - conjunction traps - noun

What is the conjunction- Thousands of years ago fish was caught in nets and traps?

The conjunction in the sentence is "and", which is used to connect the action of catching fish in nets and traps.

Adverb adjective pronoun or noun for Thousands of years ago fish were caught in nets and traps?

There is not a linking verb in the sentence "Thousands of years ago, fish were caught in nets and traps."A linking verb is one that connects the subject to more information about the subject (subject complement). Example: They were happy when the plane landed after a turbulent flight. Were is the linking verb connecting the subject, they, to the subject compliment, happy.An auxiliary verb (helping verb) helps another verb complete the verb phrase. In the predicate were caught, were is an auxiliary verb.

Thousands of years ago fish were caught in nets and traps The two words in this sentence 'and traps' is a a conjunction b preposition c linking verb d pronoun?

The two words 'and traps' are a (a) conjunction (and) and a plural noun (traps).The conjunction 'and' joins the compound object of the preposition 'in' (nets and traps).

What part of speech is and in the sentence Many years ago fish were caught in net and traps?

And is a conjunction.

Fish were caught in nets and traps Is and a pronoun?

The word 'and' is a conjunction, a word that connects words, sentences, phrases, or clauses.The conjunction 'and' connects the compound objects of the preposition 'in'.A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence.Example: Fish were caught in nets and traps. Theywere cooked on a campfire. (the pronoun 'they' takes the place of the noun 'fish' in the second sentence)

What part of speech is 'in' in the sentence Thousands of years ago fish were caught in nets and traps?

"and" is a conjunction. A conjunction links a word or a group of words to other words in a sentence. For example: "I was eating a hamburger and drinking a Coke.' "and" connects "I was eating a hamburger" with "drinking a Coke.' Other conjunctions are for, nor, but, or, yet, and so.

How did the kalinagos fish?

The Kalinagos practised fishing/caught fish by shooting the fish that came to the surface with bows and arrows. They also used nets,traps and fishing lines with hooks made of shell.

How did the kalinagos practised fishing?

The Kalinagos practised fishing/caught fish by shooting the fish that came to the surface with bows and arrows. They also used nets,traps and fishing lines with hooks made of shell.

What year were angler fish discovered?

Humans have been fishing for thousands and thousands of years. We cant be sure.