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no because he ran to Zeus when ever hurt and he sided with the Trojans during the Trojan war and it would be Zeus due to his son being Hercules how the s spartan s they said were descended from him them selfs

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Q: Was Ares the main spartan god?
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What is the spartan god?

ITS ARES. they did worship the others but mainly ares god of war

Was Ares part of Sparta's army?

No; Ares -the god of war - would have been one of the gods the Spartan Army would have worshiped.

Did Ares live in Sparta?

No he did not. Ares is the god of war and he was a Greek god so many people believed that ares rested in the soul of every spartan man but so may also believed that rested upon mount Olympus.

What army was Ares in?

the spartan army

What wa the name of the God of War?

The God of War was Ares. But in the Video Games, you are Kratos, a Spartan Leader, and you have to kill Ares. Once you do that Kratos is the new God Of War. Kratos is the champion of the Gods. That means Kratos fought his gory battles for the Gods and for the glory of Sparta.

What were the symbols of the greek god Ares?

The symbols most often associated with Ares are the spear, dog, boar and most of all the sign of the spartan shield which is like a triangle with the bottom taken off and turned to the side.

Is ares a god or goddess?

Ares is male, therefore he is a considered a god.

How many lovers did Aphrodite have?

She had many of them. But the main one is Ares, god of war

Ares allusions or modern references?

Some modern references to Ares can be seen in the Marvel Comics character Ares, the God of War, and the video game series God of War, where Ares is depicted as a main antagonist. Additionally, some political or military leaders are sometimes compared to Ares for their aggressive or warlike demeanor.

What are three major similarities between Ares and Athena?

There are so many differences between them but i think if there main similarity is that ares is the god of war and Athena is the god of battle strategy.

Ares god of agriculture?

No! Ares God of War.

What was Ares a god or goddess of?

Ares IS the GOD of WAR