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Yes, he was.

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Q: Was Edgar Degas famous during his lifetime?
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Related questions

Has Edgar Degas become more or less famous since his death?

While Degas was relatively successful during his lifetime, he is much more famous today. He is considered considered to be one of the founders of Impressionism, and his works are celebrated throughout the world.

What music did Edgar Degas listen to?

During his lifetime there was no radio, nor recorded music. To listen to music you had to go to a concert.

Who is famous for paintings of young ballerinas?

Edgar Degas

What inspiered Edgar Degas to become a famous artist?


Famous Ballerina Painter?

Renoir: 'Dance in the Country', Renoir: 'Dance in the Town'. Degas: 'Dance Class'.

What word do you get when you unscramble sgeda?

The anagrams are saged and the proper noun Degas (famous artist Edgar Degas).

What was happening in the world in Edgar Degas' lifetime?

The Franco-Prussian War, World War 1.

Which french artist born in 1834 was best known for his paintings of ballet dancers?

The french painter Edgar Degas (1834-1917) was famous for both his painting and scupltures of dancers. Google the painting 'Ballet Rehearsal' or 'Little Dancer of Fourteen Years' to see some of his best work.

Who painted At the Milliners?

Edgar Degas

What was Edgar Degas's most famous painting?

I think it is Dance Class at the Opera

Famous painters who's first name begins with q?

Edgar Degas

Which famous artists used themes?

E.g. Claude Monet and Edgar Degas.