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Yes,they were all caught and killed

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Q: Was anyone caught during the Boston tea party?
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Was anyone killed or hurt during the Boston tea party?

No, no one died during the Boston Tea Party of February 16, 1776. The ships containing chests of tea were evidently lightly guarded. Likewise no one was caught, but the Bostonians were punished by the King with the Coercive Acts or Intolerable Acts.

Who war responsible for the Boston Tea Party?

The colonists were responsible for the Boston tea party.

Where did they throw the tea during the boston tea party?

Into Boston Harbor.

How do you put Boston Tea Party into a sentence?

The Boston Tea Party occurred in Boston. Many crates of tea were dumped into the Boston Harbor during the Boston Tea Party. that's all i can think of

Who was the US President during the Boston Tea Party?

the Boston tea party was before we even had a president and independence.

How much did the tea at in the Boston Tea Party?

342 cartons of tea were dumped during the Boston tea party.

How much food was at the Boston Tea Party?

The Boston Tea Party was not actually a party. It was an illegal protest. They went in, did the deed, and left. It is doubtful anyone brought a bagged lunch.

Was the Boston Harbor closed by the British during the Boston Tea Party?

Not during the Boston Tea Party but soon after. In March 1774 England's Parliament passed the Intolerable Acts which among other measures closed the Port of Boston.

Did the people involved in the Boston Tea Party get punished?

no they dident because they dident get caught afterwords

What was the purpose of the Coercive Acts?

the purpose was to punish colonist for throwing shiploads of tea into Boston harbor during the Boston tea party.

Who ordered the colonists to allow the ships into Boston during the Boston Tea party?

English Parliament.

Who were important people during the Boston Tea Party?

The English