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You could use "ambivalent", as in "He was ambivalent about Chemistry class - he hated chemistry lecture, but he loved the lab work."

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Q: What adjective would you use to describe someone who likes and dislikes a subject?
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Is followed by a predicate adjective or predicate noun that renames or describes the subject?

A subject complement is the predicate adjective or predicate noun that follows a linking verb to rename or describe the subject.

What does a predicate adjective describe?

A predicate adjective is a type of adjective that describes the subject of a linking verb that it follows. It follows the linking verb in the sentence, and then refers back to it.

Is his a subject pronoun or possessinve pronoun?

The pronoun 'his' is a possessive pronoun and a possessive adjective.A possessive pronoun takes the place of a noun that belongs to someone or something. A possessive pronoun functions as a subject or an object in a sentence. Examples:His is the black Honda. (subject)The black Honda is his. (object)A possessive adjective is placed before a noun to describe that the noun belongs to someone or something. A possessive adjective can describe a subject or an object noun in a sentence. Examples:His car is the black Honda. (describes subject noun 'car')The black Honda is his car. (describes object noun 'car')

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"Someone is very kind." is a complete sentence.someone- an indefinite pronoun, subject of the sentence;is- a verb, a linking verb (the object of the verb restates the subject of the sentence);very- an adverb, modifying the adjective 'kind';kind- adjective, a predicate adjective which restates the subject (someone = kind), following the linking verb.

Is the word his a subject pronoun?

The pronoun 'his' is a possessive pronoun and a possessive adjective. The possessive pronoun can be used a the subjective or objective. The possessive adjective can be used to describe a subject noun or an object noun. Examples:Possessive pronoun, subject: His is the blue car.Possessive pronoun, object: The blue car is his.Possessive adjective describing subject noun: Hiscar is blue.Possessive adjective describing object noun: The blue one is his car.

How do you use the word eminence in a sentence?

Eminent is an adjective to describe someone as in distinguished, famous, renowned. Example sentences:Dr. Smith is an eminent surgeon.My eminent professor gave a test on the subject in which he is the expert.

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Is his an object pronoun or subject pronoun?

The pronoun 'his' is a possessive pronoun and a possessive adjective; either can function as the subject or describe the subject, and as the object, or they can describe the object in a sentence.The possessive pronoun 'his' takes the place of a noun that belongs to a male:His is the house on the corner. (subject)The house on the corner is his. (object)The possessive adjective 'his' is placed before a noun to show that the noun belongs to a male:His house is on the corner. (describes the subject)The one on the corner is his house. (describes the object)

How use wasteful word in sentences?

The word 'wasteful' is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun. An adjective can also function as a subject complement.Example uses:The company is working to reduce wasteful practices. (adjective)Using a leaf blower when a rake or a broom will do the job is so wasteful. (subject complement)

Is subject complement a function of an objective pronoun?

Yes it can. A subject complement follows a linking verb and modifies or refers to the subject. A subject complement may be a noun or a pronoun (predicate nominative) or an adjective (predicate adjective). Example subject complements:predicate nominative, noun: Jack is the winner.predicate nominative, pronoun: The winner is someone I know. The winner is you.predicate adjective: The winner was beautiful.

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Comprehension is a word for the ability to learn and understand.

The teacher asked Sam to share his story with the class. Is his an object or subject pronoun?

The word "his" is a possessive adjective, a pronoun placed before a noun to describe that noun (story) as belonging to a male.The word "he" is a subject pronoun, and "him" is an object pronoun.