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The Greek goddess Artemis' weapons were a silver bow and silver arrows.

Her powers are:

  • The ability to shoot a bow with perfect aim (since she is the goddess of the Hunt)
  • Cleverness
  • Strength
  • Speed
  • Ability to turn people and herself into animals
  • Heal
  • Kill mortals instantly
  • Guard women during childbirth
  • Look any age she wants to
  • Spread diseases (like her twin brother Apollo: Artemis targeted women and girls, and Apollo men and boys.)
  • Protect girls
  • Protect animals
  • Athletic abilities
  • Eternal life and youth
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What are Artemis's powers?

Artemis's powers are to heal.

Does Artemis have any weapons?

Yes. Artemis' silver bow and silver arrows forged by the Cyclopes were her weapons.

Why did Artemis get powers?


How did the Goddess Artemis get her powers?

She was born with it.

What weapons besides the bow did Artemis use?

As the goddess of the Hunt, Artemis' main weapons were her bow and her arrows. She might have also used a hunting knife.

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Zeus powers, and The Hunters of Artemis powers

Who was Artemis's brother and what were his powers?

Apollo was Artemis's sister she was never married and was the daughter of Zeus.

What are Artemis the goddess powers?

Artemis was the goddess of wild animals, wilderness, hunting and childbirth

Does Artemis use her powers for good?

yes she did

Is Aphrodite's love a weakness to Artemis?

Artemis is immune to all of Aphrodite's love powers, so no.

What were two gifts given to Artemis and Apollo?

Apollo Artemis' two powers were love and power

What kind of immortal powers did Artemis have?

Any she chose.