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Q: What are contour lines of a plateau?
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What is the contour line of a plateau?

Plateaus are large fairly plat pieces of uplifted land surrounded by steep slopes. A landform can be identified as a plateau when the contour lines are quite close to each other all around while on the upper slopes there are no lines or hardly any lines signifying that the top is rather flat.

How does index contour lines differ from other contour lines?

index contour lines have numbers contour lines dont

How do contour lines show elevation?

The darker contour lines on map are called index contour lines. Numbers that indicate elevations are often written on these lines.

What is the definition of hachured contour lines?

Hachured contour lines are contour lines with ticks pointing downslope that indicate a depression on a topographic map.

How do you use contour lines?

Contour lines are lines that connect points of equal elevation. A topographical map is a map that uses contour lines to represent the elevation of land surfaces.

Contour lines connect points with the same what?

Contour lines connect points with the same elevation or altitude. These lines are used on maps to help visualize the shape and elevation of the terrain.

What happens on a topographic map the closer the contour lines get?

The closer the contour lines, the steeper is the slope.

On a topographic map relief is shown using what?

countour intervals

What does a contour line measure?

The scale of contour lines on a topographic (terrain) map is called the "contour interval".

What are lines on a farm called?

contour lines

The heaviest contour lines on a topographic map are?

an index contour.

Why is is unlikely that two contour lines will cross?

Because contour lines make places of equal height.