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The common enemies of earthworms are birds, ants, mole rat and also even fishes when they uses as bait of course.

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Q: What are enemies of an earthworm?
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Who are earthworm's enemies?

red mites, birds, flatworms.

What are enemies of the earthworm?

moles birds and hawks and humans because we use them for bait

Can you drowned earthworm?


Does an earthworm have a back bone?

Earthworm does not have the back bone. Earthworm is invertebrate animal.

Does a earthworm have back bones?

Earthworm does not have the back bone. Earthworm is invertebrate animal.

Is an earthworm an inset?

A earthworm is an arthropod.

Is an earthworm a vertibrate?

is an earthworm a vertibrate

What is the function of earthworm brain?

the brain is essential for the movement of the earthworm. If the brain of the earthworm is removed, the earthworm will move continuously without stop

What are the interactions between the bird and earthworm?

the bird eats the earthworm the earthworm nourishes the bird

What is the function of a nephridia on a earthworm?

The function of an earthworm's nephridium is to excrete wastes from the earthworm's body.

Does a earthworm have a backbone?

no the earthworm is an invertebrate and therefore has no backbone.

What is the weight of an earthworm?

My earthworm is 3 grams.