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A mineral has a fixed chemical composition, and crystal format. Sometimes we may have two minerals with the same chemical formula - e.g. calcite and aragonite, but differ in crystallization.

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Q: What are minerals considered to be?
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Are ores and rocks minerals or metals?

Pure native metals are considered minerals. Mixed metals are considered alloys.

Why is teeth not a mineral?

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Are minerals considered inorganic elements?

Minerals are inorganic, but most are compounds, not elements.

Why are minerals considered inorganic?

Because minerals are not reliant upon organic processes for their creation.

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Minerals are required to be naturally occurring. Synthetic diamonds are not.

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Are there 4000 common minerals in the earth?

There are over 2,500 recognized minerals, but relatively few of them are considered common.

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What minerals are in the savannas soil?

The Savanna soil has very little minerals, it is considered to be infertile. The trace amounts of minerals found in the soil include iron and aluminum.