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the three scripts are hieroglyphic, demotic and classical

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Two of the three Scripts are from the Egyptian language ; Hieroglyphics and Demotic. The other script is written in classical Greek.

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Q: What are the 3 scripts on the Rosetta Stone?
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Why is it the Rosetta Stone in 3 different script?

The Rosetta Stone is written in three scripts because when it was written, there were three scripts being used in Egypt.

What were the circumstances that led to the creation of the Rosetta Stone?

The Rosetta Stone is written in three scripts because when it was written, there were three scripts being used in Egypt.

What were the three translations of the three scripts on the Rosetta Stone?

There are more than 3. there are about 15.

When was the Rosetta Stone Made?

the rosetta stone was made or written in 1799 wich is also has three different scripts.

What is the prepous of the Rosetta Stone?

The purpose of the Rosetta stone was to honor the Egyptian pharaoh. It was written in three scripts because three scripts were being used in Egypt in 196 B.C. In 1822, the Rosetta stone was used to help decipher Hieroglyphics.

Where is the rossetta stone?

The Rosetta Stone is not a person, it is an ancient stone with three different scripts written on it in Egyptian and Greek. The scripts are hieroglyphic, demotic and Greek. There is also a language teaching software called Rosetta Stone.

What languaged were on the Rosetta stone?

The Rosetta Stone is a stone with writing on it in two languages (Egyptian and Greek), using three scripts (hieroglyphic, demotic and Greek). The Rosetta Stone is written in three scripts because when it was written, there were three scripts being used in Egypt. The first was hieroglyphic which was the script used for important or religious documents. The second was demotic which was the common script of Egypt. The third was Greek which was the language of the rulers of Egypt at that time. The Rosetta Stone was written in all three scripts so that the priests, government officials and rulers of Egypt could read what it said.

What did the Rosetta stone say in hyrogliphics?

The Rosetta stone has three scripts. All of the scripts, including Hieroglyphics, is a text by priests in Egypt to honor the Pharaoh. It tells all about the accomplishments of the Pharaoh and how the accomplishments are good for the people of Egypt.

What unlocked the Rosetta stone?

It was a slab of granite like rock with the same message crafted on it in three different scripts. The discovery of the stone, called Rosetta Stone, meant that hieroglyphics could be translated

How did the Rosetta stone provide a key to help with hieroglyphics?

The Rosetta Stone had the same text encrypted in three scripts. The three scripts were Hieroglyphics (religious and important documents were written in hieroglyphics), the common Egyptian language and Greek, the language of the Egyptian rulers at the time.

How does the Rosetta stone help scholars and historians in their study of hieroglyphicss?

It is written in three scripts, which enabled the translation to take place.

What was used to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics?

The most helpful thing was the discovery of the Rosetta Stone in 1799; an inscription in three scripts.