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Several, high

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Q: What are the adjectives in this sentence Several horses in the pasture leaped over the high fence?
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What is a good sentence for pasture?

The horses ran freely in the pasture. Not sure if that's what you were going for, but there you go.

Can horses be in a pasture with walnut trees?

No, walnuts are bad for horses and can kill them if the horses eat them.

What does it mean to lay a pasture follow on Howrse?

it means that the pasture will not be used by the horses. a pasture has to be fallow to grow crops on also

What is a field full of horses called?


Can horses eat foxtail weeds in a pasture?

No no no no no no no

A sentence with the word yearling?

The yearling foal quickly adapted to its new pasture, playing and exploring with its fellow young horses.

You own horses and some of your pastures have rolling hills you need to prevent as much erosion as possible but without to many rocks that your horses could get lodged in their hooves What would you u?

Fence off areas of the pasture with temporary electric fencing that the horses should be grazing on. Allowing only a portion of the pasture for the horses to graze will allow for less risk of the horses overgrazing the pasture, which they tend to do.

Horses at pasture?

The phrase 'horses at pasture' simply means that they are out in a grassy area (such as a paddock) eating grass or feeding. Sometimes it may also mean a horse is retired in a paddock. :)

What if there are other horses in the pasture?

I'm not sure what your asking but horses love to be with other horses in pastures, barns, paddocks, ect.

What does the horses house look like?

Horses mostly live in a fenced in pasture but some horses are kept in barns with stalls.

What is pasture mix for horses?

pasture mix is a supplimentary requirement needed to bulk out the horses diet, and gives added roughage to stop compaction. It consists of normal chaf and pony nuts.

How do you make a sentence with enclose?

Example sentence - We were able to enclose an area large enough to accommodate several horses.