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Tranverse waves.

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Q: What are the electromagnetic waves that can travel through the vacuum of space?
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Do electromagnetic waves all travel at the same speed through space?

Through a vacuum ... yes. Through outer space, which is not quite a vacuum ... not quite, but very very close.

How Do Electromagnetic Waves Work?

Electromagnetic waves are waves which can travel through the vacuum of outer space.

Is it true that unlike mechanical waves electromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum such as you would find in space?

Correct, electromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum. Sunlight is an example of this.

Why can electromagnetic radiation travel through empty space?

Electromagnetic waves do not require a medium, so they can transfer through a vacuum, or empty space.

How can the command centre communicate with the space ship in space if outer space is a vacuum?

They use radio waves which are a type of electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum Ligth is a type of electromagnetic wave and that travels through space from the sun and the stars.

Can microwave travel through vacuum?

A microwave is near the "red" side of the electromagnetic scale. All electromagnetic travels at the same rate. Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation which travels through a vacuum (space). Thereofore, being a part of electormagnetic radiation, microwaves will travel through a vacuum.

Can electromagnetic spectrum waves travel through space?

Yes! that's how light from the sun gets to the Earth. Electromagnetic do not require a medium to travel through, they can even travel through a complete vacuum.

What is a 'vacuum' in electromagnetic waves terms?

basically an empty space with no particles etc, but all the electromagnetic waves can travel through it

Does waves need a medium to travel through?

No. Electromagnetic waves travel through vacuum ( ie space where there is nothing)

Which waves can travel through a vacum?

Electromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum and outer space. Also click this link for more information.

Are microwaves in space?

yes, they are also a type of electromagnetic waves. any EM wave can travel in space as they can pass through vacuum.

What are electromagnetic waves that can travel through space?

Any electromagnetic wave can travel through space, and they all do.