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Four chambers, left ventricle, left atrium. The right atrium and ventricle ( send blood to the lungs ). There are valves that stop the blood from backing up into the atria and the veins. And there are coronary arteries. There's a few more miscellaneous parts, but that covers the major stuff.

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== right ventricle, left ventricle, right atrium==

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Q: What are the major parts of the human heart?
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What parts of the human body were heart find?

The human heart is in the chest cavity.

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The four major parts and division of the heart is the left and right atrium, and the left and right ventricle.

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What are the parts of the human heart called?

The four chambers of the human heart are the left and right ventricles and the left and right atria (singular- atrium).

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What are the four major part of the heart?

the four major parts of the heart are the right atrium, left atrium, right ventricle & left ventricle ..

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You cannot see any parts of the heart without doing surgery, because the heart is inside the chest cavity and covered by ribs and muscles and skin.

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