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Hedgehogs, scorpions, small birds, mongoose, and a host of other critters eat millipedes. They have many natural predators in the wild.

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Q: What are the natural predators of millipedes?
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What habits do the millipedes have?

millipedes have a grassy enviorement. they also like the deep earth, where it is cool. the reason that they like the underground is so they don't get eaten by predators. these predators may include robins, and other birds.

What are the millipedes enemies?

Millipedes have numerous predators. They are preyed on by reptiles, amphibians, birds, hedgehogs, mongooses, scorpions, shrews, and some other insects.

Is millipedes coiling a habit?

No, they may coil a lot, but its a way of protection from predators.

What are the Predators of a pill millipede?

Mongose,civets,Wild borer and crow are the common predators of pill millipedes in Western-Ghats

How do millipedes defend their selves?

For protection, some species of millipedes curl themselves up into tight balls, thus creating an armor shell against predators. Another defense mechanisms that millipedes have is stink glands, and some even secrete cyanide.

What do millipedes smell like?

Millipedes have a very foul and distinct odor they omit. The millipede like other insects including the stink bug omit odor to keep predators away.

Why do millipedes defecate in your hand?

Its a natural way of then removing waste from their bodies

Is a predator a carnivore?

No. Millipedes only eat dead/rotting plant material. Their relatives, the centipedes, are voracious predators.

What are the examples of myriapoda?

Examples of myriapoda include centipedes and millipedes. These arthropods are characterized by having numerous legs and segmented bodies. They play important roles in ecosystems as decomposers and predators.

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Is a millipede a carnivorous predator?

No. Millipedes only eat dead/rotting plant material. Their relatives, the centipedes, are voracious predators.