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the Pulmonary and systemic are the two circuits

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Q: What are the two paths the blood follows when it leaves the heart?
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How long does it take heart muscles to function again after a heart attack?

No, dead muscle is dead muscle - however the genius of the human body is that it can adapt. If there is enough of the heart sill alive it will increase its effort to compensate for what died. Many people live long lives after heart attacks. It is best to catch an attack before the muscle dies and have surgery to rework blood paths to the starved muscle. Bypass and shunts have worked restoring blood flow to struggling hearts restoring health and longevity. But a dead muscle is a dead muscle so treatment before a major attack is critical.

Does blood have oxygen when it enters the heart?

Every cell, tissue, muscle, etc. needs oxygen to perform its function. The heart is a smooth muscle which needs oxygen and circulates oxygen throughout the body. When we breath out, the lungs release carbon dioxide. When we breathe in, oxygen molecules collect on small sacs in the lungs called aveoli. The aveoli look like upside-down groups of grapes, at the farthest ends of the bronchioles. As blood passes the aveloi, oxygen attaches to hemoglobin on red blood cells. The arteries push the blood through the heart to the brain...and to the major abdominal organs...then to the legs and feet... All along the way, red blood cells "drop off" nutrients and oxygen to tissues through special processes within cells. Then, from your legs, abdomen (ribcage to privates), arms, and your brain, capillaries return carbon dioxide and cell waste up through your body using special valves in the blood vessels (the valves only open one way - back toward the heart). The blood passes through the heart, to the lungs where it drops off carbon dioxide which you breathe out. At the same time, the kidneys act to filter certain waste products carried by venous blood (venous is non-oxygenated--- arterial is oxygenated). Although a heartbeat happens in a split second, with every heart beat the blood makes this continuous route out through your body and back. As such, the respiratory system and cardiac system work in conjunction with each other all the time. If one of these fails, death can result. If one system becomes diseased, both systems begin to work harder to do the same jobs.

What is the path blood takes through the heart?

Blood enters the heart through the superior and inferior vena cava. These two paths dump deoxygenated blood into the right atrium. Blood passes from the right atrium through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle. The right ventricle contracts and forces the blood through the pulmonary semilunar valve into the pulmonary arteries. The blood moves into the lungs and gas exchange occurs, oxygenating the blood. The blood then moves through the pulmonary vein, emptying into the left atrium. The oxygenated blood then passes through the bicuspid valve into the left ventricle. The left ventricle contracts and forces the blood out through the aortic semilunar valve and into the aorta. The aorta is the bodies largest artery and blood is distributed to smaller arteries and out to the entire body (except the lungs). Remember simply: Body -> Vena Cava -> Right Atrium -> Tricuspid Valve -> Right Ventricle -> Pulmonary Semilunar Valve -> Pulmonary Artery -> Lungs -> Pulmonary Vein -> Left Atrium -> Bicuspid (Mitral) Valve -> Left Ventricle -> Aortic Semilunar Valve -> Aorta -> Body If you can remember this, remembering heart anatomy and understanding how the heart works is very simple.

What word describe a complicated layout of paths?

The word that describes a complicated layout of paths is "labyrinth".

Is scientific inquiry a process with many paths not a rigid sequence of steps?

Scientific inquiry is a process with many paths

Related questions

What are the three circular pathways blood can travel once it leaves the heart?

The three paths the blood can take once it has left the heart is to the brain, the lungs, and to the rest of the body and muscles. -Hope this helped(:

What are the three paths of blood circulation?

The three main paths are the pulmonary path which moves from the heart to the lungs and back, the somatic path where blood flows to the tissues and back and the flow of blood to the muscle of the heart and back.

What is shown in a heart diagram?

Heart diagrams show the paths of blood flow in that organ. They also label the specific parts, such as the arteries, the multiple atriums, and ventricals.

What happens when blood flow to the heart is blocked?

It depends where. most minor blood vessels have alternate substitute paths for blood flow to reach the parts of an organ. However, some major blood vessels such as those going directly to and from the heart, feeding the heart.or the brain have no alternatives and a blockage can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

Why do some organisms have a 1 loop pathway and others have a 2 loop pathway for circulation to and from the heart?

It has to do with evolution, and what is more efficient for different organisms. Humans have a septum in their heart to divide the blood paths, and therefore have a double loop (oxygenated and oxygenated paths). A fish does not have lungs, but instead utilizes counter current exchange (the blood runs in one direction and the inflow of oxygen the opposite, to maximize the amount of oxygen picked up by the blood). Many mammals have a double loop system, in order to bring oxygen to cells faster.

Do blood vessels that enter and exit the heart carry oxygenated blood?

The blood vessels that enter the left side of the heart carry deoxygenated blood. The blood sent to the lungs via pulmonary arteries is also deoxygenated blood. The blood carried to the left side of the heart from lungs is oxygenated blood. The blood sent to the body via systemic arteries is oxygenated blood. So the right side of the heart deals with deoxygenated blood. Left side of the heart deals with oxygenated blood. The amount of blood flows is almost exactly same in both the sides of the heart. The only difference is you can measure the blood pressure from the greater circulation easily. So you tend to imagine that there is more blood in the greater circulation. The blood flow via pulmonary circulation can not be measured. So it is usually taken for granted and neglected. This blood flow is equally important.( Just like you take it for grated the gifts of the nature. Pure and fresh air, sunlight, rains and trees. Rather the ecosystem.)

How does a circulatory system moves the blood like a circle through a body?

The heart's SA node sends an impulse to make both atria contract. This makes both atria squeeze the blood into the ventricles directly below them. Then, the heart's AV node receives the impulse and pumps the blood out of the ventricles.

Which of the two paths of blood circulation is shorter?

the systemic systemic circulation

Does the veins have valves?

Yes. Veins are the paths in which your blood come back to your heart. Because gravity naturally acts against the flow in veins, they have multiple "one-way valve" mechanisms inside them.

What are the ratings and certificates for Spartacus Blood and Sand - 2010 Separate Paths 3-8?

Spartacus Blood and Sand - 2010 Separate Paths 3-8 is rated/received certificates of: Netherlands:16

How the current flow in parallel connection?

In a parallel circuit, the current flow is independent in each branch.

What carries blood to all paths of the body except the lungs?

Blood is carried to the other parts of the body by veins.It's pretty simple!!!;)