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The coronary sinus runs in the posterior coronary sulcus. In the anterior coronary sulci the stems of the coronary artery run. The circumflex branch of the left and the extension of the right coronary artery that becomes the posterior descending artery run around the coronary sulcus from front to back

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Q: What artery runs along the coronary sulcus?
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What are the name of the main arteries and veins in the heart?

There are twenty main arteries, unfortunately. Some are:Carotid artery: runs up both sides of the neck and is the artery felt when taking a pulse from the neck, delivers blood to the brain.Femoral: runs through the middle of the thigh on both legs, delivers blood to the lower extremities above the elbow.Brachial: runs from the anterior of the shoulder to the elbow, delivers blood to the upper extremities.Radial and Ulnar: stems off of the brachial and goes around the radius and ulna respectively, feeds blood to the flangies and lower extremites below the elbow.For more information visit the Related Links.

What is the coronary artery in an adult?

There are two, the right and the left. They are the blood vessels that run directly out of the heart. One runs to the lungs to get oxygen and the other sends oxygenated blood into the body. ALSO: THEY ARE THE BLOOD VESSELS THAT SUPPLIES BLOOD TO THE HEART'S MUSCLES ---- The first answer above is incorrect. The coronary arteries are two in number, the right and the left. They arise from the proximal aorta, just after the aortic valve and supply blood directly to the cardiac muscle. The left has three main divisions: the left main coronary artery, which is the relatively short first segment. The left main then branches into the left anterior descending (LAD) and the left circumflex artery. The left artery supplies most of the septum and left side of the heart, including the left ventricle. The right coronary artery is a relatively smaller vessel and supplies the right side of the heart and the inferoposterior portion of the heart. It also supplies blood to the SA node and also to the AV node (in about 60% of patients).

What artery is vulnerable to injury because it runs superficially?

radial artery

Which artery runs in the radial groove with radial nerve?

radial artery

Dorsalis pedis artery is a branch of what artery?

The Aorta has a vein that runs from the heart to the right foot, hence the Dorsalis pedis.

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What is the artery that runs down the course of the anterior interventricular sulcus?

The left coronary artery

What is a diagonal artery?

There is a diagonal artery that is a branch of the left coronary artery on the surface of the heart. It is a diagonal artery simply because it runs diagonally across the anterior (front) of the heart.

Which coronary artery is located between the 2 ventricles?

The left coronary artery, or the anterior interrventricular branch supplies oxygenated blood between both ventricles. It runs straight down the center of the heart.

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What is the name of the larger of the two terminal branches of the brachial artery which runs along the medial portion of the forearm?

Radial artery

Identify the large artery that run dorsally along the wall of the abdominal cavity?

The abdominal aorta is a large artery that runs dorsally along the wall of the abdominal cavity. The abdominal aorta is the largest artery in the in the abdomen.

What large artery runs dorsally along the wall of the abdominal cavity?


Identify the large artery that runs dorsally along the wall of the abdominal cavity?

abdominal aorta

What is the blood vessel that runs along the frog's back?

That would be the dorsal Artery. That was the only thing i really remembered from science because our frogs artery had exploded.

Why fracture in femur is dangerous?

The femoral artery runs right along the femur. A fracture in the femur might damage the artery leading to massive internal bleeding, as the femoral artery is one of the largest arteries in your body.

What are the name of the main arteries and veins in the heart?

There are twenty main arteries, unfortunately. Some are:Carotid artery: runs up both sides of the neck and is the artery felt when taking a pulse from the neck, delivers blood to the brain.Femoral: runs through the middle of the thigh on both legs, delivers blood to the lower extremities above the elbow.Brachial: runs from the anterior of the shoulder to the elbow, delivers blood to the upper extremities.Radial and Ulnar: stems off of the brachial and goes around the radius and ulna respectively, feeds blood to the flangies and lower extremites below the elbow.For more information visit the Related Links.

Where is femoral located?

i am not sure if you mean femur, but if you do it is the big bone in the upper part of your leg. the femoral artery runs along it