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If you were in an earthquake, the best thing to be prepared for it is to make an escape plan. Make a map of your home from the top view, and mark off any places where you could hide, like under a table, with a check. Mark an "x" on places where you should NOT go to in case of a big earthquake, like the closet or under a door. Also, draw lines from anywhere where you normally go to do work, eat dinner, etc. to a door in the house. Make the line avoid your x's and if possible have it go to check marks for safe points on the way outside. When you're done, post your map on a wall where you pass by all the time. if you live in an apartment, and you have to go through a hallway, make the line go through that way, too. Dont forget to draw the line till you get to the outside. Plus, try to memorize the way the line goes if you can't get to the map in the earthquake. Finally, always keep a first aid kit someplace where you can get it quickly and easily. I wouldn't put it in a closet, maybe somewhere next to the door would be good. Congratulations! You're now prepared and ready to go in an earthquake!

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Q: What can you do to make your home safe during an earthquake?
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Definition: structures that are resistant to vibrations during an earthquake:)

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by making sure you walls are thick and stable and by supplying a weeks worth of water, batteries, and foods.

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It's a house that can stand during an earthquake. STUPID adding to that remark, :) an earthquake safe house has special features, meaning it is less affected by an earthquake. things like coils between the structure and the base are common in affected countries

How can you make sure you will be safe in an earthquake?

Lock your doors and hider your babies

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i think they should leave the town or make an earthquake emergency kit.

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For a volcano eruption, the family can be safe because of the distance between them and the volcano whereas for an earthquake it may happen if the calamity's force is weak.

What can you do during an earthquake?

Well FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) recommends that youStay as safe as possible during an earthquake. Be aware that some earthquakes are actually foreshocks and a larger earthquake might occur. Minimize your movements to a few steps to a nearby safe place and stay indoors until the shaking has stopped and you are sure exiting is safe. For more information see related links.