

Best Answer

a house easy.

you will need

  • a cereal box
  • glue
  • paint

all you do is cut the box into halves, cut the top half of the box into a triangle for a roof, glue it on to the bottom, add windows, doors, etc. and voila!

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Q: What can you make out of a cereal box?
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How do you make a commercial cereal box project?

All you have to do is just get a camera and make a speech and there you go you have a cereal box project

How many cups are in a box of Chex Cereal?

There are about six cups in a regular box of Chex cereal. Many people use the cereal to make a snack mix.

How do you make a pizza box from a cereal box?

You can either fold the cereal box, or cut one of the short sides (the one you open the box from) and cut one side and the other. That way the cereal box will open up just like a pizza box. Hope that helped :)

How do you make a piniata with a cereal box?

Stick colourful tissue paper on it and fill the box with sweets.


a box of cereal is 450 g in weight

What is the mass in a box of cereal?

a box of cereal is 450 g in weight

How much does box of cereal weigh in grams?

It depends on what box of cereal it is

How much fiber one cereal does it take to make pie crusts?

It takes 1 full box of Fiber cereal to make pie crust

What is the weight of a cereal box?

Have a look on the cereal box, the weight is always shown.

What is the mass of a cereal box grams?

a box of cereal is 450 g in weight

How could cereal be contaminated?

Cereal can be contaminated if dirty hands go into the cereal box. Another way to contaminate is by putting uneaten or unused cereal back into the box.

Who decided to make the cereal box square and why did they choose a square?

The cereal pioneers decided that the cereal box would be square. Cereal has its origins in the oatmeal industry. George Hoyt was one of the first inventors to create the idea of storing the wheat of his cereal in a box. He decided on the square box because it kept the cereal fresh and it was easily stored. When General Mills first began to market their own cereal, Hoyt's methods became more popularized. By the time of the second World War, the cereal boom began as the rationing of meat took its toll. Cereal boxes have remained square since their inception because of these continuing important reasons.