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When plates diverge, the crust in between them is pulled thin. This tension creates a rift valley, such as the one found between the two islands of New Zealand. Over time, the stretched crust with grow so thin that rising magma will break its surface, forming an underwater ridge.

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Q: What causes a rift valley to form at divergent boundaries?
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Why do you find volcanoes at convergent and divergent boundaries but not at transform boundaries?

Convergent and divergent boundaries melt rock in the upper mantle while transform boundaries do not. Convergent boundaries that involve at least one oceanic plate form subduction zones, where an oceanic plate plunges into the mantle. Volatiles carried into the mantle lower the melting point of the rock there, allowing magma to form.At divergent boundaries the crust becomes thinner. This reduces pressure on the upper mantle, thus lowering melting points and generating magma.Transform boundaries have no such means of producing magma.

Where does new sea floor form?

It forms at the edges of Divergent Tectonic Plates; as opposed to the Earthquakes that are found at the Convergent Plate Boundaries [where one Plate subsides beneath the other Plate].

What can tectonic plates form when they divide?

When tectonic plates divide they create divergent boundaries, which can cause the earths surface to divide and split up, almost like when you rip a piece of paper

Identify the type of plate boundary at which most volcanoes are found?

Convergent boundaries.If you are doing lots of research, it's technically also divergent boundaries. However, if you are answering a multiple choice or fill in the blank where you can only put in one thing, put in convergent boundaries.How do I know this?When I put divergent boundaries in for my answer on my science test, it said I was wrong. And transform boundaries is definitaly not the answer. :) And I've done lots of studying and research

Where do earthquakes and volcanos occur?

Volcanoes tend to form at convergent tectonic plate boundaries where subduction is occurring (such as the western coast of South America) and at divergent plate boundaries where two tectonic plates are moving apart (e.g. the Mid-Atlantic-Ridge and Iceland). Earthquakes also occur at convergent boundaries and in fact these tend to cause the strongest earthquakes. Earthquakes also occur at transform boundaries (such as the San Andreas fault) however these do not tend to cause the formation of volcanoes. So to find volcanoes and large earthquakes you should be looking at convergent plate boundaries where subduction is occurring.

Related questions

What landforms form by divergent boundaries?

Rift Valley and Ridges

How are oceanic ridges form?

divergent boundaries

Ocean ridges are formed by what boundaries?

Divergent boundaries form ocean ridges.

When two continental plates converge a rift valley form?

No. Continental convergent plate boundaries form fold mountain ranges. A rift valley will form at a divergent plate boundary.

When two continental plates converge does a rift valley forms?

No. Continental convergent plate boundaries form fold mountain ranges. A rift valley will form at a divergent plate boundary.

Do divergent boundaries cause island arcing?

No. Divergent boundaries cause mid ocean ridges (MORs) to form.

What are plate boundaries that move away form each other?


What landforms are formed at diverging boundaries?

In plate tectonics, divergent boundaries occur when plates pull apart. On land, divergent boundaries form rifts or valleys. More commonly, divergent boundaries in the ocean occur and cause mid-oceanic ridges. Divergent boundaries can also form volcanoes when the plates separate enough to allow molten lava to seep out, harden, and eventually form islands.

Is a stratovolcano a divergent volcano?

No. Stromboli is associated with a subduction zone, which is a convergent boundary.

Can volcanoes form along divergent boundaries on land?


What is a deep valley on land form that forms a divergent boundary?

A rift valley

What boundary does a rift valley form at?

A divergent boundary.