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the plates crash over each other.

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Q: What causes volcanic activity in the middle of a lithosphere plate?
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What causes volcanic activity in the middle of s lithosphere plate?

me dont no, me too stupid

Area of volcanic activity in the middle of lithospheric plates?


Areas of volcanic activity in the middle of lithospheric plates are called?

Hot Spot

Why are the Hawaiian Islands in the middle of the Pacific Plate?

The Hawaiian islands are not the result of plate techtonics, they are the result of volcanic activity relating to a particular hot spot in the Earth's mantle, from which a plume of hot magma rises upward and causes volcanic eruptions.

Does the Pacific Ocean have volcanic activity?

Yes, there is volcanic activity in the Pacific Ocean. Most of it occurs near the edges of the Pacific, in a region called the Ring of Fire. These volcanoes are responsible for the formation of Indonesia, Japan, and the Aleutians Islands, to name a few. There are also volcanoes closer to the middle of the Pacific plate, which formed islands such as those of the South Pacific and Hawaii.

What volcano is located in the middle of the lithosphere?


Why can some volcanoes be found in the middle of plates?

Some volcanoes can be found in the middle of a plate as it floats over a hot spot. This is where there is molten magma in the earth's crust that is very close to the earth's surface. They usually occur when there is a hole in the middle of the tectonic plate, causing the magma to seep through, slowly making a pile of rock.

Which volcanic islands are situated in the middle of the pacific?


What is the layer that is part crust and part mantle?

The upper mantle and the lower mantle.

The mantle is made of what structural zones?

The upper mantle is part of the brittle lithosphere and the middle and lower mantle form the ductile asthenosphere.

Which was not a common activity for women in the late Middle Ages?

Witchcraft was not a common activity for women in the late Middle Ages.

What is the order of the layers of the earth?

The crust, then the lithosphere, then the asthenosphere, mesosphere, outer core, inner core. The mantle is the lithosphere, asthenosphere, and the mesosphere. So the mantle isn't really the middle of the earth.