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Q: What cranial nerve do you use to slow the heart?
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How do you use cranial in a sentence?

During the medical examination, the doctor paid close attention to the patient's cranial nerves.

Which cranial nerve is used in reading the paper?

The main nerve required would be the optic nerve (II), although you would also use the ocular motor nerve (III) to move the eyes. Other cranial nerves involved are: Trochlear nerve (IV) and Abducens nerve (VI).

What does Olympus mean in medical terms?

The most common use of "olympus" in medical terms is the mnemonic used to remember the names of the cranial nerves. The mnemonic is, "On old Olympus' towering top, a Finn and German viewed some hops." Olympus represents cranial nerve III, the oculomotor nerve.

What cranial nerve that is involved in rolling the eyes?

The levator palpebrae muscle is primarily responsible for opening the eyelids, it is innervated by cranial nerve 3 (occulomotor nerve). Raising the eyebrows, which will also open the eyes wider and may be what you are asking about, is done by occipitofrontalis. This muscle is innervated by cranial nerve 7 (facial nerve).

What does the medical abbreviation X mean?

X could refer to the tenth cranial nerve, "times" as in use 5x/day, or "for" as in smoker x20 years

What foramen does the trochlear nerve go through?

The trochlear nerve is also known as cranial nerve IV (CN-IV). It is the only cranial nerve that emerges dorsally from the brain, which also makes it the longest pathway. It is the smallest nerve to service the eye. CN-IV passes through superior orbital fissure, and it provides for only a motor function. It serves the superior oblique eye muscle and connects to the annular tendon. As a result, it processes brain signals to move eyes up and down and outwards. Whether due to a head injury or a complication of surgery, damage to this nerve will compromise some ability to use the superior oblique eye muscle. Without the use of the nerve, the superior oblique eye muscle will not no longer function properly. The muscle, not the trochlear nerve, physically moves the eyeball. Double vision, otherwise known as diplopia, results from problems with muscle or the nerve. Complications from these issues will result in a diminished ability to walk, especially down stairs.

What controls how fast your body uses energy?

Your Brain has nerve's which send's How fast and slow you use it, Your spinal cord transfers these messages and thats how fast you use it. And your muscles

What do you think cranial capacity is a good indicator of?

I think the cranial capacity is a good indicator of the body because it helps use to think about what we do.

Is it normal for your heart to slow down when you sit down?

Yes, you use less energy as you're not supporting yourself.

What nerve does not use the jugular foramen to exit the skull?

Trigeminal nerve is the nerve that does not use the jugular foramen as a route of exit from the skull

How can you use the word nerve in a sentence?

You've got your nerve.

Why do Emperor Penguins' heart rates slow during deep water dives?

The heart rate slows to reduce the amount of oxygen used by the heart, and the amount available for use by muscles for the penguin so that it can stay longer underwater